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News №2



Expected Net Monitor for DCT4

The translation and correction of data for Net Monitor to DCT3 taken from several sources is in full swing. The translation into Russian of "Field Tests" has already been completed, as well as tests of the 20th line have been translated and corrected. Net Monitor manual on DCT4 for 6310i is being prepared.

Since time is, as always, short, progress is slow, but does not stand still. It is planned to finish with Net Monitor-s by the end of December and move on to other - not yet started sections of the site.

If someone has information on Net Monitor-s for both platforms - do not hesitate to write to me in social networks or by mail, I will be very glad for any information.

A little offtopic: I bought myself a 6230i in a complete set for a small money. Although it does not fit the time frame, it is still DCT4 and the same business phone (6xxx series, after all).

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

08 November 2022 year, 18:53:02 CET





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