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Site news

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News reworked, guest book opened, UFS-3 box bought

The news system on the site has been updated - now the news data is stored in the database (MySQL). Due to the transition to MySQL, the site also received comments under the news and a guest book...


04 December 2022 year, 22:06:13 CET

Expected Net Monitor for DCT4

The translation and correction of data for Net Monitor to DCT3 taken from several sources is in full swing. The translation into Russian of "Field Tests" has already been completed, as well as tests of the 20th line have been translated and corrected. Net Monitor manual on DCT4 for 6310i is being prepared...


08 November 2022 year, 18:53:02 CET

News system launched!

The simplest website news system has been launched. Made, I must say, very simply and dumb, even without database, but to be honest, I don't need more. The main thing is that it works!
Well, the site slowly continues its filling and development. There's still a lot to be done...


26 October 2022 year, 01:54:21 CEST

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