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Siemens S/ME45: i-onization

Instructions for i-onization of Siemens S/ME45 phones, i.e. flashing the S45i,
which adds additional functions and fixes errors in the phone software.
Video version: youtu.be/UMSFk2b1T8s


17 June 2024 year, 12:20:13 CEST

WAP 1.x: How to setup

Instructions for setting up WAP 1.x on phones with GPRS and without (CSD only),
as well as setting up services (WAP gateway and Dial-in) required for WAP connection.
Video version: youtu.be/GAVg_ydzpaM


03 December 2023 year, 23:23:11 CET

Moving site to domain bs0dd.net

The site has finally moved to a solid (and, of course, paid) second-level domain.
Subsite addresses have also changed, now they are located on independent subdomains.
The old links will continue to work for now, but with one caveat...


12 July 2023 year, 02:29:11 CEST

Website structure reorganization and new design

There was a reorganization of the structure of the site and subsites.
A new main index page has been made, and Nokia Business Phones is now on par with the two existing subsites.
Read more about other changes in the news itself...


04 July 2023 year, 17:05:36 CEST

Opening subsite-archive with software for Nokia 92xx

Opened online archive of software for Nokia 92xx Communicator.
About 2.7 GB of material (at least 225 programs, 85 games, and other content for S80 v1.0) for your communicator is waiting for you there...


21 May 2023 year, 01:07:59 CEST

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